Sunday, August 11, 2013

Cantaloupe Honey Sorbet

Ripe sweet melons are one of the best things about summertime. In recent years I started purchasing Tuscan Cantaloupe. Tuscan Cantaloupe is a sweeter variety of cantaloupe, the good news is that it is not genetically modified, they are a hybrid melon developed through conventional cross breeding to produce a particularly sweeter melon. I like the sugary almost floral fragrance of the melon.

Of course I must talk about the benefits of eating cantaloupe as well! They are vitamin rich in A, C and beta-carotene. Cantaloupe reduces stress because it is high in potassium which reduces stress and anxiety by promoting good heart health and increasing oxygen to your brain. Also, like some of my other favorite foods to talk about, cantaloupe is an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. So you can go ahead and add this melon to your list of super-foods!

Cantaloupe Honey Sorbet

  • 1 average size Tuscan Cantaloupe (you can use a regular but make sure it is super ripe!)
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1 lemon

1. Slice and cube melon, remove rind and seeds and place into blender with water. 

2.  Blend till melon is completely liquified. 

3. Add honey and juice of the lemon. 

4. Puree until completely combined. 

5. Taste mixture to determine sweetness, depending on the level of sweetness of the melon you may want to add more honey. 

6. Use ice cream maker to process mixture. I have a Cuisinart Frozen Yogurt and Ice Cream Maker

7. Serve frozen!

Enjoy! xoxo - Iris


  1. YES, this sounds lovely and tasty! I'll add info to the healthful factor: cantaloupe is a natural diet food. Its high fiber (and sumthin sumthin else I can't recall) makes it take about as much in calories to digest/metabolize as it has calories. !

    1. So good! I hope you try making it. I'll do some more research and add your suggestions to the health section. Thanks for the feedback! :) xoxo - Iris
