Thursday, November 20, 2014

5 tips for Dating Gluten Free...

Last time I got badly glutened was from a kiss from a man right after he drank a beer. Yes, I am that highly sensitive and not everyone is, but still there are a few things to keep in mind when dating someone who is gluten free by medical necessity.

1) Make the date centered around an activity that is not eating.

It's very awkward having to explain to someone why you are gluten free or the anxiety and precautions that you need to take to avoid getting glutened. It also feels really unsexy having to explain what you need to a waiter in front of a date. A lot of socialization is centered around food and eating so it can sometimes be alienating to a person who isn't able to safely eat out at a restaurant. Make a plan like going for walk through an interesting area, checking out a movie, going to a museum or an art show.

2) Don't eat in front of us.

I once met up with a guy on the beach for a date. I thought I had cleverly planned ahead by making sure the date wasn't meal-centered. After a nice stroll he announced a few minutes in that he was hungry and wanted to go find something to eat. We ended up at a nearby restaurant where he ate garlic bread and Fettuccine Alfredo while I had a Sprite. The crummy part was I actually WAS hungry so the date wrapped up pretty quickly after.

3) Look up some fun gluten free recipes and plan a night in cooking dinner together. 

There are a lot of great options now for the gluten free eater if you plan ahead or do some research and want to eat out. But most people on a super strict gluten free diet will tell you that they really do feel safest eating in their own kitchen where the chance of cross contamination is pretty unlikely. If you want to really impress them do a little research, find some gluten free recipes and show up for your date with a nice bag of groceries and together you can prepare a lovely romantic gluten free dinner.  This is not really a first date activity.

4) Don't drink beer if you wanna get a kiss. 

I mentioned this at the start. It might not apply across the board, but don't risk it! If there is any chance spit might be swapped, just don't do it! If we kiss you and taste that beer on your mouth we'll be more focused on the fear of what we just got into our system then enjoying the moment with you. Stick with things like wine, bubbly or whisky if you want an adult beverage.

Go have fun!! xoxo - Iris

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